Covid-19 is the pandemic affecting the entire world for the last six months now. Since its outbreak, social media and the Internet has never been at rest from bringing up new facts and theories every day. For the mass at large, interpreting and differentiating between facts and myths have become difficult as the number of news sources is massive.
So, we decided to bust some of the significant Covid-19 myths doing rounds all across the web. Read on.

Coronavirus cannot survive in extreme weather conditions
The novel coronavirus is not subjected to attack in specific weather conditions. There has been news on how extremely hot regions would not encounter covid cases. Do not fall for such headlines as no matter what the weather is, you can get attacked by the virus any day. From the shreds of evidence and statistics released by the WHO, the virus can be spread in all the areas, irrespective of the weather.

Only older people get infected by the virus
Another myth about Covid-19 is that only older adults can be infected with the virus. It can affect anyone, regardless of their age. However, people with pre-existing health issues like heart disease, asthma and diabetes, or people with a compromised immune system are more vulnerable and need to be more careful. People of all age groups must maintain social distancing and take precautions to stay safe and healthy.

Mosquitoes can be the carrier of coronavirus
Till date, there is no evidence to support the role of mosquitoes in transmitting the virus. It is a respiratory virus spread primarily through the droplets released when an infected person sneezes or coughs. Some other modes of transmission can be nose discharge, droplets of saliva, or coming in contact with contaminated surface and then touching your mouth, nose or eyes.

Consuming alcohol and taking vaccines against Pneumonia can help to eliminate the virus from your body
There’s no scientific proof against these methods, and it can harm your body. The pneumonia vaccines, such as Haemophilus influenza type B (Hib) and pneumococcal vaccine, come to no use to treat a Covid- 19 patient. The virus requires a unique vaccine, which is reportedly prepared by Russia and will soon be dispatched to different countries around the globe. However, the exact time is not declared by the WHO.
The best methods to fight the new coronavirus is social distancing, using sanitizers, wearing masks, and following strict hygiene practices.

Know What to Believe
As you are now aware of the most common myths about the novel coronavirus, you can decide what information to believe and what to ignore. However, if you notice symptoms like fever, cough, breathing issues, chest pain, diarrhea, etc., reach out to us immediately and get yourself diagnosed by the expert team of Dr. M V Rao.