Dengue fever is today a common yet life-threatening tropical disease that is spreading across countries as air travel becomes one of the most frequently used modes of transport. Dengue, like zika and chikungunya, is spread through mosquito bites. When the Aedes species mosquito bites an infected person, it carries the virus to the next person it bites and so on. Any unaffected mosquitoes that bite an uninfected person also become the carriers of the virus, and the cycle continues.

Based on various research, it is inferred that 75% of the dengue infections show no noticeable symptoms. So, it becomes necessary to take proper precautions for the prevention of the deadly viral infection.

Let’s discuss some of the best ways to prevent dengue fever.

Protecting your family against dengue fever
By following some simple steps, you and your family can stay protected against the virus. Here’s what you should do:

  • Protect your family against mosquito bites
  • Avoid visiting regions breeding with mosquitoes

In case you are living in a neighborhood that is marked as a dengue cluster, the following suggestions can help:

  • Apply mosquito repellent to the exposed areas of your body and clothes. However, do not apply it on wounds, cuts or irritated skin.
  • Wear long pants and long-sleeves to ensure your arms and legs are covered most of the times.
  • Use mosquito nets while sleeping.

Note: When using a mosquito repellant spray, never spray on the face directly and keep it away from the reach of children. Wash your hands well after applying the repellant to your face. If you or your child get rash on using a mosquito repellent, wash it off immediately using mild soap and water and restrain from using it again.

Visit your doctor in time

Despite taking all the preventive measures, if you still fall sick and experience high fever suddenly during this season, consult a doctor immediately. When treated on time, you can recover faster. In case of severe symptoms like high fever, rash, weakness, you will need hospitalization. You can book an appointment with us anytime, and Dr. M. V. Rao will diagnose and treat you with the most suitable medications.